Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Some updates

I haven't had a chance to update the blog lately but here are some new developments. 1. Ongoing China and U.S. conflicts in South China Sea. 2. Downtown Vancouver Viaducts removal approved. 3. Justin Trudeau got elected as the Prime Minister of Canada. 4. Astronomical housing price and bubble remains in Vancouver, Some personal developments. 1. I now try to play badminton as much as possible, 4 times a week minimum to a maximum of 5 times a week. Badminton is very nice sport which allows you not only to remain focused while playing but also to run around on court and hit at the birdie shuttle. I find it a great stress relief. 2. After almost a year of relationship with this girl I was dating we broke off back in July. We broke off partly because of her hot temperament and being too judgemental, partly because of me being too naive, and cannot foresee something greater coming out of this relationship. speed_demon

Monday, April 13, 2015


相爱容易相处难 体量体贴慢慢来 赌气伤身容忍无 最终领悟爱回迟 单身从起遗恨谁

Sunday, April 12, 2015


父母爱子,牺牲一切 儿女照老,理所当然 男女互爱,温家永恒 岁月相应,白头偕老