Friday, January 06, 2006

Dirty tactics and how politicians attract voters

This is an extension of the second half of my previous post. In this post I'll elaborate and attempt to dissect the recent election campaigns in Canada and how politicians use dirty tactics to attract undecided voters.

How do you categorize good tactics from the bad ones, especially when an election is looming? More precisely, how do you, a voter who can cast the fate of a government, differentiate the dirty tactics which politicians play from the legitmate tactics? In the case of the upcoming Canadian federal election of January 23rd, it is downright open and obvious.

There're many parties in Canada. Out of all these, only 4 official parties have ever held an office at the federal level. Of course, there is the independent and the "always-high" Green Party, but for the sake of our discussion we'll exclude them. The 4 official parties of Canada are: the Liberals, the Progressive Conservatives (a.k.a. the Tories), the Bloc Québécois and the NDP (New Democratic Parties). All these parties have very similar platforms in terms of the governance but what's really different are their beliefs, moral values and ethics.

The Liberals, as the name indicates, strive for equality issues like the gay rights, stem cell research, and secularism. On the opposite extreme, we have the right-wing Conservatives that opposes same-sex marriage, stem cell research and the exclusion of religion from lawmaking. For the NDP, if the liberals and conservatives were husband and wife, NDP is like the discipline lacking firstborn who, due to tiresome of witnessing the everlasting quarrel between both parents, dispises the family and would do anything to distinguish himself from the madness at home. Bloc, on the other hand, under the same analogy would be the attention craving younger brother that always whines, cries and complains and would do anything to get out of the house.

Canadian politics has never been dirtier. With oppositions hurl accusations and allegations of government corruptions and unethical practices, the Liberals are now in a defensive position. The only way out is to attract undecided voters with lucrative promises, such as reimbursing tuition fee for university students, abolishing the immigration process fee, banning handguns and extending jail terms for illegal gun owners.

Just when did Liberals realise the importance of these issues? In the last decade of their corrupted governance, they've paid minimum attention to the handgun related crime and approve the use of "house arrests" to persecute criminals. They're also the first to increase the immigration "processing" fees to now a ridiculus amount and be the first to thaw the tuition freeze and allow it to skyrocket through the roof. Now the Liberals realized their wrongdoings, they tried fervently to correct them as if nothing happens and, meanwhile, using this publicity to polish themselves as the only capable party to lead the Canadians.

Like what I mentioned in the previous post. With the federal election in Canada looming, this is their golden ticket to victory, courtesy of the sympathetic voters and many other undecided voters. This really shows how downright cheap and dirty the politicians would do. The Liberal Party of Canada has being the dominant party for over 11 years. If they haven't realize and properly handle the outcries and concerns of Canadian citizens they DO NOT deserve our sympathy to be re-elected.

Mr. Paul Martin, the Prime Minister of Canada, is in a very dirty hand. He has forseen the outcome of his defeat and that's why he resorts to the dirtiest tactics, yet. Would you want to have a bipolar disorder person making a decision for you? I don't think so. Neither do I. Just imagine how quick he would reinstate the immigration fees, retract the handgun ban and the tuition fee reimbursement.

Mr. Paul Martin is a greedy businessman who will always do the best to impress his business partners. If it is not because of the recent Sponsorship Scandal, the public would have never discover the true evil behind the Prime Minister's Office.

For all you Canadian readers, it is the duty of us, regardless of age, sex, title, religion and job to bring down Mr. Paul Martin and let us show that Canadians can once again be heard worldwide without the Liberals ruling. LET'S TAKE BACK THE CANADA THAT ONCE WERE!

For you foreign readers, be mindful of the dirty tricks politicians play.

For more information please refer to CBC - Canada Votes 2006.

1 comment:

Chano Santamaria said...

Hello, Speed_Demon:

Thanks for your comment to my blog [The Drum Circle]. So many times we wonder if people read these things. Yes, J.Lo's earlier stuff was much better. The video on the blog was played once on MTV, but had quite a success on the Spanish-language stations. Happy blogging ... Chano Santamaria