Sunday, February 05, 2006

Freedom of speech debate

The recent incident on the pictorial depiction of Muhammad has further escalated the worldwide division between Islamic fundamentalists and pro-modern, pro-freedom, Western society. Muslims protested that freedom of speech should not violate their belief and religious teaching. The western society argues it is in our interest to fight for freedom, under all cost, for the rights to choose, to speak, judge and express in a meaningful and non-violent way.

The condemnations of these cartoons has boost the existing clash between the righteous and the wrongful, with each sides accusing the opposite of the other, but only one-side is resorting to violence. The violence has now spread to the torching of Danish and Norwegian embassies in Syria on Feb. 4, to the attack of Danish embassy in Beirut today.

We should not yield because the freedom of speech and expression violates the feelings of a uncivilized society. If one is truly reasonable and has a social order, it would never resort to a violent behavior. We know that, since the beginning of time, violence has never solved any problem, it is not and will never be a civilzed manner to resolve problems. The famous saying, "it is better to fight with pen and ink, than with fists and swords", is one that Muslims should realise and respected, especially in a world we live in right now.

I highly recommend BBC's Have Your Say: Should 'anti-Islam' cartoons have been published?

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