Tuesday, December 27, 2005

So, this is how it starts...

Like every story, there's a prologue, rising action, climax, ending and an epilogue - a sequence of events that dictates how story goes. Well, I'm a bit too lazy for all that, so I'll jump straight to the rising action. If you want to read somebody's profile, how they've aged and what they look like then this blog is definitely not for you!

After wasting many hours on writing stupid emails, getting no replies, this is what I'll do: like every other drones who has already done so, I'll start one myself. However, instead of what they usually do (i.e. talking about their lives, well-being and who-gives-a-damn), I'll include all of that plus complaints, and the forever whinings. This makes a lot more sense than the usual "what happened to you today". Seriously, who gives a damn what happened to you today? You think it really matters?

Hey, better yet, maybe I will attract someone by posting some girly pictures and/or muscular guys to get some traffic from you-know-who.

So, enough of my rant. This blog is not just an ordinary report-my-life blog but includes anything which I'm oppose or against to.

Enough said, more to come!

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