Friday, December 30, 2005

The softer side of Osama?

Don't know if you have seen this but apparently Osama Bin Laden (the terrorist who masterminded 9/11) has a very HOT niece! You can check BBC's Bin Laden niece in glamour shots.

Her name is Wafah Dufour. A 26-year-old musician and model, and is the daughter of Osama's half brother. If you searched on the web for her you will find many more revealing photos.

In the traditional Muslim society female should always bundle and cover up their hairs, wear something loose and less exposing. This traditional teaching preserves a woman's humble image, her integrity, the loyalty towards her future husband, and devotion to her faith. In the Muslim world, Ms. Dufour clearly violated all of that and is now walking on the decadence pathway of the corrupted Western society.

Similar to what countless actresses, models, and singers have done before her , she is simply rescuing her imagine and career, especially after 9/11. But what she didn't realize is, by posing for these photo shoots, she has set a very bad example and a low standard for the Muslim female rights.

What she's shown is not just the skins but a false sense false security and hope on the gender equality of a Muslim society!


Anonymous said...

good one man. I will forward this to my friends...


Anonymous said...

Well said Mr Liu,

walking around half naked and being a slave to male expectations is not the way to promote gender equality in muslim countries.....


Anonymous said...

Good post, and great start to your blog. :-)
Will be posting on gun violence on my blog in the next few days or so, so you might want to pop by sometime.