Sunday, April 04, 2010

I'm only human

I'm only human by speed_demon.

I'm only human
I'm only human with dreams and visions
I'm only human with roller coasting emotions
I'm only human with happiness, sadness and in-betweens
I'm only human with passion and compassion
I'm only human with pride and jealousy
I'm only human with prejudice and discrimination
I'm only human with sympathy and tolerance
I'm only human with tenacity and perseverance
I'm only human with capability and motivation
I'm only human with eccentricity and oddities
I'm only human with vanity
I'm only human with wounds and scars
I'm only human with imperfections
I'm only human with genetic inheritances
I'm only human with broken heart
I'm only human with sorrow and despair
I'm only human with forgiveness and forget
I'm only human with guilt
I'm only human with innocence
I'm only human with strengths
I'm only human with weaknesses
I'm only human with desire
I'm only human with lust
I'm only human of fresh and bones
I'm only human because God made me so
I'm only human because that is who I am
And that is what I want to be
And that cannot be changed
Until the end of time

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