Just another blogger blogging blog, what else? This is my little world where I share my thoughts, comments on everything without the interruption.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
想想以前所做的事, 越想越覺得自己越傻. 為什麼當時腦筋沒轉過來, 而造成現在這樣? 不過牠還是有牠的意思與目的, 也為我的前途做了最美好的打算. 在這裡讓我能慢慢找回自己的語言及文化, 也能夠體會爸媽為孩子的付出, 這些都是平常我們很少能夠體會到的. 謝謝大家, 牠和所有一起過冬的朋友們. 在這裡祝大家美夢成真, 萬事如意!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
人類從生到死是為了什麼而活? 是追求什麼? 很多人都想要知道這答案, 是財富嗎? 榮譽嗎? 名望? 知識? 家庭? 其實那些都是虛空. 最重要還是無憂, 滿足與快樂. 當然好身體也是. 我想在忙碌中徘徊的大眾, 這些真正要追求的東西很難能體會得到. 通常大眾想法都是以追求那虛空的目標而帶來無憂, 滿足與快樂. 可是, 往往在路途中因絆腳石而打退堂鼓, 或者追到了, 但是結果沒有想像中理想, 而越來越氣餒, 悲傷, 痛苦. 其實這些是心理上渴望而無法用物質能追求到的東西. 為一能代替的就是心靈成長, 以心平氣合去的態度面對一切, 愛人如愛己. 那時候虛空即使放棄也不在乎~
Saturday, December 22, 2007
青花瓷 MV
Nicely translated. Deserves a post. :)
青花瓷 |Qing Hua Ci| Blue and White Porcelain
曲:- 周杰倫
Qu:- Zhou Jie Lun
Music:- Jay Chou
詞:- 方文山
Ci:- Fang Wen Shan
Lyrics:- Vincent Fang
Credits for the lyrics to----laruku & ekyec & j-c.net
Pin Yin: ekyec - www.jay-chou.net
Translation: laruku - www.jay-chou.net
su pei gou le chu qing hua bi feng nong zhuan dan
The brush outlines a beautiful pattern, brush strokes becoming lighter
ping shen miao hui de mu dan yi ru ni chu zhuang
The peony on the bottle, simplest beauty, just like you
ran ran tan xiang tou gou chuang xin shi wo liao ran
Whiffs of incense smoke bring your troubles to my heart
xuan zhi shang zou bi zhi ci ge yi ban
I pause halfway while painting
you se xuan ran shi nv tu yun wei bei si cang
The glazing of the lady's portrait hides her charm
er ni yan ran de yi xiao ru han bao dai fang
Your smile, to me, like a budding flower
妳的美一縷飄散 去到我去不了的地方
ni de mei yi lv piao san / qu dao wo qu bu liao de di fang
But your beauty dissipates like smoke, to a place I can never reach
#天青色等煙雨 而我在等妳 (1)
tian qing se deng yan yu / er wo zai deng ni
The perfect shade of blue awaits the right weather, like how I wait for you
炊煙裊裊昇起 隔江千萬里
chui yan niao niao sheng qi / ge jiang qian wan li
From a thousand miles away, I gaze at the curling chimney smoke
zai ping di shu han li fang qian zhao de piao yi
The calligraphy beneath the bottle, elegance of the Han Dynasty
jiu dang wo wei yu jian ni fu bi
Our meeting I foreshadowed
*天青色等煙雨 而我在等妳 (1)
tian qing se deng yan yu / er wo zai deng ni
The perfect shade of blue awaits the right weather, like how I wait for you
月色被打撈起 暈開了結局
yue se bei da lao qi / yun kai liao jie ju
The moonlight smudged away the remnants of our ending
如傳世的青花瓷自顧自美麗 妳眼帶笑意
ru zhuan shi de qing hua ci zi gu zi mei li / ni yan dai xiao yi
Like legendary porcelain obsessed with itself, your eyes full of laughter
se bai hua qing de jin li yue ran yu wan di
Those blue carp seem to come alive on the white bowl
臨摹宋體落款時卻惦記著妳 (2)
lin mo song ti luo kan shi que dian ji zhe ni
While I am imitating the Song inscription I'm thinking of you
ni yin cang zai yao shao li qian nian de mi mi
The eon of secrets you buried in the kiln
ji xi ni you ru xiu hua zhen luo di
It's exquisiteness like an embroidery needle
簾外芭蕉惹驟雨門環惹銅綠 (3)
lian wai ba jiao re zhou yu men huan re tong lv
The banana tree outside brought the sudden downpour, and in turn the copper rust on the door handle
而我路過那江南小鎮惹了妳 (3)
er wo lu guo na jiang nan xiao zhen re le ni
My passing by Jiangnan brings me to you
在潑墨山水畫(4) 裡 妳從墨色深處被隱去(5)
zai po mo shan shui hua li / ni cong mo se shen chu bei yin qu
Yet you fade away into the deep abyss of the Chinese painting
青花瓷 |Qing Hua Ci| Blue and White Porcelain
曲:- 周杰倫
Qu:- Zhou Jie Lun
Music:- Jay Chou
詞:- 方文山
Ci:- Fang Wen Shan
Lyrics:- Vincent Fang
Credits for the lyrics to----laruku & ekyec & j-c.net
Pin Yin: ekyec - www.jay-chou.net
Translation: laruku - www.jay-chou.net
su pei gou le chu qing hua bi feng nong zhuan dan
The brush outlines a beautiful pattern, brush strokes becoming lighter
ping shen miao hui de mu dan yi ru ni chu zhuang
The peony on the bottle, simplest beauty, just like you
ran ran tan xiang tou gou chuang xin shi wo liao ran
Whiffs of incense smoke bring your troubles to my heart
xuan zhi shang zou bi zhi ci ge yi ban
I pause halfway while painting
you se xuan ran shi nv tu yun wei bei si cang
The glazing of the lady's portrait hides her charm
er ni yan ran de yi xiao ru han bao dai fang
Your smile, to me, like a budding flower
妳的美一縷飄散 去到我去不了的地方
ni de mei yi lv piao san / qu dao wo qu bu liao de di fang
But your beauty dissipates like smoke, to a place I can never reach
#天青色等煙雨 而我在等妳 (1)
tian qing se deng yan yu / er wo zai deng ni
The perfect shade of blue awaits the right weather, like how I wait for you
炊煙裊裊昇起 隔江千萬里
chui yan niao niao sheng qi / ge jiang qian wan li
From a thousand miles away, I gaze at the curling chimney smoke
zai ping di shu han li fang qian zhao de piao yi
The calligraphy beneath the bottle, elegance of the Han Dynasty
jiu dang wo wei yu jian ni fu bi
Our meeting I foreshadowed
*天青色等煙雨 而我在等妳 (1)
tian qing se deng yan yu / er wo zai deng ni
The perfect shade of blue awaits the right weather, like how I wait for you
月色被打撈起 暈開了結局
yue se bei da lao qi / yun kai liao jie ju
The moonlight smudged away the remnants of our ending
如傳世的青花瓷自顧自美麗 妳眼帶笑意
ru zhuan shi de qing hua ci zi gu zi mei li / ni yan dai xiao yi
Like legendary porcelain obsessed with itself, your eyes full of laughter
se bai hua qing de jin li yue ran yu wan di
Those blue carp seem to come alive on the white bowl
臨摹宋體落款時卻惦記著妳 (2)
lin mo song ti luo kan shi que dian ji zhe ni
While I am imitating the Song inscription I'm thinking of you
ni yin cang zai yao shao li qian nian de mi mi
The eon of secrets you buried in the kiln
ji xi ni you ru xiu hua zhen luo di
It's exquisiteness like an embroidery needle
簾外芭蕉惹驟雨門環惹銅綠 (3)
lian wai ba jiao re zhou yu men huan re tong lv
The banana tree outside brought the sudden downpour, and in turn the copper rust on the door handle
而我路過那江南小鎮惹了妳 (3)
er wo lu guo na jiang nan xiao zhen re le ni
My passing by Jiangnan brings me to you
在潑墨山水畫(4) 裡 妳從墨色深處被隱去(5)
zai po mo shan shui hua li / ni cong mo se shen chu bei yin qu
Yet you fade away into the deep abyss of the Chinese painting
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
聖誕快樂, Merry Christmas everyone!
在這裡祝大家聖誕快樂, 新年如意. 順便來一首歌吧, 這首是台灣新樂團蘇打綠的無與倫比的美麗.
對, 每人生在世上都是牠的子弟, 也是無與倫比的美麗, 要自我珍惜, 絕對不要輕易懊悔, 放棄. 事已發, 可是一定還有別的出路可走, 人生就是一場考驗, 也要為最好的選擇作美好的判斷.
對, 每人生在世上都是牠的子弟, 也是無與倫比的美麗, 要自我珍惜, 絕對不要輕易懊悔, 放棄. 事已發, 可是一定還有別的出路可走, 人生就是一場考驗, 也要為最好的選擇作美好的判斷.
Monday, December 17, 2007
我不想回去那地方, 那裡充滿死亡, 誘惑, 和自我摧毀的路. 那些事還在記憶裡徘徊, 是永遠消除不了的痛苦, 因為如此, 我不能再自我試探, 我已知結果, 也不需橫行. 算了吧~ 要自我獨立! 都已經戴上將近十幾年, 一次不回不會死!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
看了這篇報導, 心理就好難過. 為什麼人類為了追情, 而不固一切, 那麼想不開? 想了一想這也是人類的本能, 我們都是哺乳動物, 追愛是避免不了的, 可是人類是上天創, 有本性, 智慧, 能判斷是非, 這就是我們跟動物之差. 這時, 我就想起以前讀得一篇好文章, 當你愛的人不在愛你時.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
小學還沒畢業就來加拿大的我, 真是對中文程度有一大打擊. 這打擊是避免不的. 為了接觸新環境和語言, 總總會上失一些寶貴的東西. 依我看來, 當小孩上小學時, 移民對他們中英文成長都會有重闖. 什麼時刻最好呢? 我認為, 當他們初高中讀完時最理想. 太小的話, 像我一樣, 連中文基礎都沒打好就要推翻去學英文, 這太不人道啦! 通常基礎打最好時就是初高中時期, 雖然中文水準沒有比上到大學好, 至少有機會去接觸一些古典文學作品, 要不然等到大學畢業以後在移民也挺好, 但是已成人就不是家庭移民了. 當然移民後再補修中文也可以, 可惜我沒有這樣經驗過~
每件事如果要達成, 都要有恆心, 有毅力. 堅強刻苦一定能達成自我願望, 不過我認為還是要求牠幫忙. 其實人類都很脆弱, 很容易分心, 被推倒, 一步小心就落入陷阱與誘惑之中, 真的能一路向北的人很少. 但是我知道如果相信牠, 牠一定會賜給我們恆心和毅力.
事到如今我就只差這步, 難怪雖然人已在維多利亞了, 心還是靜不下. 什麼時候能一路向北呢? 就要靠自己決定吧~
事到如今我就只差這步, 難怪雖然人已在維多利亞了, 心還是靜不下. 什麼時候能一路向北呢? 就要靠自己決定吧~
Friday, November 30, 2007
周杰倫的新曲青花瓷在這裡與大家分享一下. 以下是青花瓷的解說及來源. 這首要翻的話難度相當高, 我想我沒有能力去嘗試. 呵呵~
青花瓷器, 又稱白地青花瓷器, 它是用含氧化鈷的鈷礦為原料, 在瓷器胎體上描繪紋飾, 再罩上一層透明釉, 經高溫還原焰一次燒成. 具體請參看"青花瓷器"詞條.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
也許所發生的一切都是命中注定, 也許近年來體會的挫折和心悲都是神為我所鋪的路. 妳知道嗎? 我在溫哥華上大學時從來沒有去校園團契, 就如年初時也沒有勇氣參加. 可是維多利亞聖道堂那麼近, 我似乎是週週拜訪, 這不是天安排還是什麼? 也許就跟我說的一樣, 此事開了天窗, 讓我更靠近牠, 就跟爸媽帶我們來加拿大移民一樣. 開了門就要靠我們自己走. 謝謝你們對我的體會和幫助~
命中注定嗎? 我不認為. 開了天窗, 就要靠自己親近牠. 那一步非常難, 到現在經過多年的經驗, 我的信心還是不夠. 也許有一天我會領悟而誠認牠. 我很期望那天的來臨!
命中注定嗎? 我不認為. 開了天窗, 就要靠自己親近牠. 那一步非常難, 到現在經過多年的經驗, 我的信心還是不夠. 也許有一天我會領悟而誠認牠. 我很期望那天的來臨!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
世界末日, End of the World
有空或無聊再翻吧. 現在就翻一兩句想要表達的就好了. 嘻嘻~ 有空會連其他以前放映的都翻.
I'll try translating this song from time to time. You will see numerous changes from time to time, until the final translation is complete. My English is not perfect, but it is an effort I'm willing to put in for such a beautiful song. If you've any suggestion or comment, please let me know. Thank you!
Song Title: 世界末日
End of the World
Artist: 周杰伦
Jay Chou
想笑 来伪装掉下的眼泪
Let laughter camouflages the crying eyes
点点头 承认自己会怕黑
I confess I'm afraid of the dark
我只求 能借一点的时间来陪
I only wish with time wounds would heal
But even you would not pity me
想哭 来试探自己麻痹了没
Let me grief until my limbs are numb
全世界 好像只有我疲惫
It seems I'm the only one with fatigue in this world
无所谓 反正难过就敷衍走一回
But ain't matter, a little mindless stroll would soon clear the pain
Let's hope the despair and frustration would soon fly far away
天灰灰 会不会
Is it still possible, under this gray sky
To let me forget who you are?
夜越黑 梦违背
The darker the night, the more likely dreams would betray
It seems impossible to pursue and relive the moments
My world is about to end
Maybe reality and destiny aren't meant to be together
累不累 睡不睡
Am I tired? Shall I sleep?
夜越黑 梦违背
The darker the night, the more likely dreams would betray
Who would dare comforting me?
My world is about to end
Maybe even decadence is
想哭 来试探自己麻痹了没
Let me grief until my limbs are numb
全世界 好像只有我疲惫
It seems I'm the only one with fatigue in this world
无所谓 反正难过就敷衍走一回
But ain't matter, a little mindless stroll would soon clear the pain
Let's hope the despair and frustration would soon fly far away
天灰灰 会不会
Is it still possible, under this gray sky
To let me forget who you are?
夜越黑 梦违背
The darker the night, the more likely dreams would betray
It seems impossible to pursue and relive the moments
My world is about to end
Maybe reality and destiny aren't meant to be together
累不累 睡不睡
Am I tired? Shall I sleep?
夜越黑 梦违背
The darker the night, the more likely dreams would betray
Who would dare comforting me?
My world is about to end
Maybe even decadence is some kind of beauty
I'll try translating this song from time to time. You will see numerous changes from time to time, until the final translation is complete. My English is not perfect, but it is an effort I'm willing to put in for such a beautiful song. If you've any suggestion or comment, please let me know. Thank you!
Song Title: 世界末日
End of the World
Artist: 周杰伦
Jay Chou
想笑 来伪装掉下的眼泪
Let laughter camouflages the crying eyes
点点头 承认自己会怕黑
I confess I'm afraid of the dark
我只求 能借一点的时间来陪
I only wish with time wounds would heal
But even you would not pity me
想哭 来试探自己麻痹了没
Let me grief until my limbs are numb
全世界 好像只有我疲惫
It seems I'm the only one with fatigue in this world
无所谓 反正难过就敷衍走一回
But ain't matter, a little mindless stroll would soon clear the pain
Let's hope the despair and frustration would soon fly far away
天灰灰 会不会
Is it still possible, under this gray sky
To let me forget who you are?
夜越黑 梦违背
The darker the night, the more likely dreams would betray
It seems impossible to pursue and relive the moments
My world is about to end
Maybe reality and destiny aren't meant to be together
累不累 睡不睡
Am I tired? Shall I sleep?
夜越黑 梦违背
The darker the night, the more likely dreams would betray
Who would dare comforting me?
My world is about to end
Maybe even decadence is
想哭 来试探自己麻痹了没
Let me grief until my limbs are numb
全世界 好像只有我疲惫
It seems I'm the only one with fatigue in this world
无所谓 反正难过就敷衍走一回
But ain't matter, a little mindless stroll would soon clear the pain
Let's hope the despair and frustration would soon fly far away
天灰灰 会不会
Is it still possible, under this gray sky
To let me forget who you are?
夜越黑 梦违背
The darker the night, the more likely dreams would betray
It seems impossible to pursue and relive the moments
My world is about to end
Maybe reality and destiny aren't meant to be together
累不累 睡不睡
Am I tired? Shall I sleep?
夜越黑 梦违背
The darker the night, the more likely dreams would betray
Who would dare comforting me?
My world is about to end
Maybe even decadence is some kind of beauty
Friday, October 26, 2007
祝我生日快乐, Wish Me A Happy Birthday
这首就献给已生日, 在生日及要生日的朋友吧~
I dedicate this song to those who has already celebrated, in the middle of, or will celebrate their upcoming birthday. Happy birthday, everyone!
Song Title: 祝我生日快乐
Zhu Wo Sheng Ri Kuai Le
Wish Me A Happy Birthday
Artist: 温岚
Wen Lan
Landy Wen
Wo zhi dao shang xin bu neng gai bian shen me
I know that sadness will not be able to change anything
Na me rang wo cheng shi yi dian
If that's the case, then let me be honest a little bit
Cheng shi nan mian you bu neng kong zhi de xuan xie
To be honest that's it's difficult to avoid an unruly betrayal
Zhi you guan shang le men bu bi li shei
I can only close the door and ignore the world
Yi ge ren zuo zai kong de bao xiang li mian
Sitting alone inside this empty space
Shou ji rang ta xiu xi yi ye
Let the cellphone rest for a night
Nan, xiang qie ge qie diao hui yi de hua mian
[So] Difficult, [I feel like] cutting off all the frames of memory
Yan lei bu neng liu guo shi er dian
These tears can no longer shed past Midnight
生日快乐 我对自己说
Sheng ri kuai le wo dui zi ji shuo
Happy birthday, I said to myself
La zhu dian le
[As] The candles are blown
Ji mo liang le
Loneliness lit up
Sheng ri kuai le
Happy birthday
Lei ye rong le
Tears are melted away
Wo yao xia xia ni gei de ni na zou de yi qie
I want to thank for all that you gave and took away
Hai ai ni dai yi dian hen
Having to love you still, carries a little scar
Hai yao shi jian
Only time
Cai neng ping heng
Can heal the wound
Re lian shang hen
Passionate love leaves painful traces
Hua mian chong sheng
As the picture replays
Zhu wo sheng ri kuai le
Wish me a happy birthday
I dedicate this song to those who has already celebrated, in the middle of, or will celebrate their upcoming birthday. Happy birthday, everyone!
Song Title: 祝我生日快乐
Zhu Wo Sheng Ri Kuai Le
Wish Me A Happy Birthday
Artist: 温岚
Wen Lan
Landy Wen
Wo zhi dao shang xin bu neng gai bian shen me
I know that sadness will not be able to change anything
Na me rang wo cheng shi yi dian
If that's the case, then let me be honest a little bit
Cheng shi nan mian you bu neng kong zhi de xuan xie
To be honest that's it's difficult to avoid an unruly betrayal
Zhi you guan shang le men bu bi li shei
I can only close the door and ignore the world
Yi ge ren zuo zai kong de bao xiang li mian
Sitting alone inside this empty space
Shou ji rang ta xiu xi yi ye
Let the cellphone rest for a night
Nan, xiang qie ge qie diao hui yi de hua mian
[So] Difficult, [I feel like] cutting off all the frames of memory
Yan lei bu neng liu guo shi er dian
These tears can no longer shed past Midnight
生日快乐 我对自己说
Sheng ri kuai le wo dui zi ji shuo
Happy birthday, I said to myself
La zhu dian le
[As] The candles are blown
Ji mo liang le
Loneliness lit up
Sheng ri kuai le
Happy birthday
Lei ye rong le
Tears are melted away
Wo yao xia xia ni gei de ni na zou de yi qie
I want to thank for all that you gave and took away
Hai ai ni dai yi dian hen
Having to love you still, carries a little scar
Hai yao shi jian
Only time
Cai neng ping heng
Can heal the wound
Re lian shang hen
Passionate love leaves painful traces
Hua mian chong sheng
As the picture replays
Zhu wo sheng ri kuai le
Wish me a happy birthday
Saturday, October 20, 2007
以舊換新. 人生的道路上, 總總都要遇到絆腳石. 跌倒了必然要自我爬起. 在這跌倒以及爬起過剩中, 往往都能體會到教訓, 因此自我檢討與矯正. 也希望當爬起來後, 不會再遇到同樣的絆腳石. 希望如此, 如果真的能往前走, 迎接新世界, 那是最理想的. 如果不行, 就要有自信心, 有目標和時間, 慢慢走. 一定會抵達目的地, 一定會迎接這新世界.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
每一個國家, 不管是大是小, 都有自己的律法和規則. 好的國家定的規則就能保護它的居民, 壞的話就可能有偏見, 只有上層階級的人才有保護權. 我覺得加拿大是個高等的已開發國家, 它的律法歸化的很好, 全民都能加以保護, 不分民富, 不分大小, 老少, 連第三者都能有如此保障. 人住加拿大倒是挺好的, 地方大, 法律好. 我舉個法律的例子, 這例子就是殺人罪. 北美的殺人罪是經過多年來的變化及矯正才有今天. 這罪有分三種: 第一, 第二, 和意外殺人罪. 判的最重當然是第一. 第一殺人罪是有計畫有企圖的他殺. 第二殺人罪就是任何跟第一無關的, 除了意外殺人以外. 我想, 只有北美及歐洲這些已開發國家才分別的那麼詳細. 如果是第三世界或者正開發國家, 你死我活才不管. 直到有被害者喊冤或上國外媒體的焦點, 才有特別的調查. 最簡單的例子就是前幾年在巴基斯坦發生的事. 這事我以前用英文也寫過. 此事就是 Mukhtar Mai, 這位小姐被強姦, 因為她弟弟觸犯到別人. 很可憐. 在這男人主義的世界, 連喊冤都不能. 最後還不是因為上了外國媒體焦點, 才有點打抱不平, 可是已經太慢了!
Monday, August 27, 2007
事情都鬧成這樣就坦白說一些心想的話吧. 其實在菲紗做研究也不錯, 可惜的就是我指導老師們都不知道我在做甚. 我也覺得很尷尬. 對他們沒興趣的研究, 那研究會有甚麼結果? 這樣的研究不要也罷! 好笑的是這韓國教授其實非常內向. 就是因為他如此內向和瘋狂的投入研究才發生這總事. 他的內人是因為經不起在加拿大的痛苦孤單才要求他回國. 他也因為不想失去家庭及離婚才做如此決定. 算了吧, 他走也好, 這樣就不會在去虐待學生了!
還有很好笑的就是, 那些不知道真向的同學都任為我是個性變態, 騷擾了她人. 而且怕跟我接觸, 怕引火上身. 算了吧! 讓他們怎麼猜, 怎麼想, 我不怪. 再怎麼去想, 去抱負, 都是一無所有. 既然事已發, 已走過, 就要試著去應付未來.
還有很好笑的就是, 那些不知道真向的同學都任為我是個性變態, 騷擾了她人. 而且怕跟我接觸, 怕引火上身. 算了吧! 讓他們怎麼猜, 怎麼想, 我不怪. 再怎麼去想, 去抱負, 都是一無所有. 既然事已發, 已走過, 就要試著去應付未來.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
為了妳我要離開溫哥華九月份正式繼續在維多利亞大學讀書. 事情發生以過將近三個月我還真是的不知道為什麼會變成這樣. 為什麼為愛妳我願意付出一切即使到最後是妳恨得想要消除我這隻害蟲. 風花飛吧! 當我從來沒見過妳, 當我從來沒有吻過妳也當我從來沒有握妳的手看妳流淚. 這就是初戀嗎? 為了愛她愛得那麼苦害我過度表達. 這不是初戀, 這只是一場無法逃避的惡夢. 希望老天會保祐我將來的路. 不要為愛她人而犧牲一切~
我要離開了. 我好高幸啊. "我變了但也來不及了."
我要離開了. 我好高幸啊. "我變了但也來不及了."
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
风花啊这首歌献给妳! 信乐团的千年之恋.
俺死了都要爱. 我会爱着你,直到永远. 我愿意为妳牺牲一切, 妳听到了吗?
《千年之恋》 - 信乐团和戴爱玲
(女) 谁在悬崖沏一壶茶 温热前世的牵挂
而我在调整千年的时差 爱恨全喝下
(男) 岁月在岩石上敲打 我又留长了头发
耐心等待海岸线的变化 大雨就要下
(女) 风 狠狠的刮
(男) 谁 在害怕
(女) 海风一直眷恋着沙 你却错过我的年华
错过我新长的枝桠 和我的白发
(男) 蝴蝶依旧狂恋着花 你却错过我的年华
错过我转世的脸颊 你还爱我吗 我等你一句话
(女) 一生行走望断天崖 最远不过是晚霞
而你今生又在哪户人家 欲语泪先下
(男) 沙滩上消失的浪花 让我慢慢想起家
曾经许下的永远又在哪 总是放不下
(合) 啊 轮回的记忆在风化 我将它牢牢记下
(合) 海风一直眷恋着沙 你却错过我的年华
错过我新长的枝桠 和我的白发
蝴蝶依旧狂恋着花 你却错过我的年华
错过我转世的脸颊 你还爱我吗 我等你一句话
(合) 蝴蝶依旧狂恋着花 你却错过我的年华
错过我转世的脸颊 你还爱我吗 我等你一句话
(女) 谁在悬崖沏一壶茶 温热前世的牵挂
而我在调整千年的时差 爱恨全喝下
(男) 岁月在岩石上敲打 我又留长了头发
耐心等待海岸线的变化 大雨就要下
(女) 风 狠狠的刮
(男) 谁 在害怕
(女) 海风一直眷恋着沙 你却错过我的年华
错过我新长的枝桠 和我的白发
(男) 蝴蝶依旧狂恋着花 你却错过我的年华
错过我转世的脸颊 你还爱我吗 我等你一句话
(女) 一生行走望断天崖 最远不过是晚霞
而你今生又在哪户人家 欲语泪先下
(男) 沙滩上消失的浪花 让我慢慢想起家
曾经许下的永远又在哪 总是放不下
(合) 啊 轮回的记忆在风化 我将它牢牢记下
(合) 海风一直眷恋着沙 你却错过我的年华
错过我新长的枝桠 和我的白发
蝴蝶依旧狂恋着花 你却错过我的年华
错过我转世的脸颊 你还爱我吗 我等你一句话
(合) 蝴蝶依旧狂恋着花 你却错过我的年华
错过我转世的脸颊 你还爱我吗 我等你一句话
俺死了都要爱. 我会爱着你,直到永远. 我愿意为妳牺牲一切, 妳听到了吗?
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Translating "Is it really wrong to love someone?" 翻譯鄭源的難"道愛一個人有錯嗎?"
《難道愛一個人有錯嗎》 - 鄭源
Is it really wrong to love someone? - by Yuan Zheng
In a windless, autumn night of falling leaves
I met her, whom I'm willing to love for eternity
From that fateful day onwards, I drowned in her beauty and her every move
I loved her with all my might and truthfulness
I sincerely hoped she could reciprocate a little
I sincerely hoped she would live happily ever after
I sincerely hoped she could be moved a bit by my love
But it was not up to us to decide
What did I do? Why did I do what I did?
Is loving someone really wrong?
I understand loving someone is difficult
Yet, I only wished to be loved a tiny bit
What did I do? Why I am I crying?
Why am I willing to sacrifice everything for loving her?
Now, what have inflicted on me are no longer painful, but jubilant
I sincerely hoped she could reciprocate a little
I sincerely hoped she would live happily ever after
I sincerely hoped she could be moved a bit
But it was not up to us to decide
What did I do? Why did I do what I did?
Is loving someone really wrong?
I understand loving someone is difficult
Yet, I only wished to be loved a tiny bit
What did I do? Why I am I crying?
Why am I willing to sacrifice everything for loving her?
Now, what have inflicted on me are no longer painful,
but joyful
The more I do not want to love her
The more I think about her
When can my feelings be repaid?
When can my feelings be repaid?
What did I do? Why did I do what I did?
Am I guilty for loving her until death do us apart?
Be merciful, be kind, but please don't pity on me
Let it go, forget what has happened
The more I sink, the harder it is to pull out
It is better to lick my own wounds,
then to be loved
Is it really wrong to love someone? - by Yuan Zheng
In a windless, autumn night of falling leaves
I met her, whom I'm willing to love for eternity
From that fateful day onwards, I drowned in her beauty and her every move
I loved her with all my might and truthfulness
I sincerely hoped she could reciprocate a little
I sincerely hoped she would live happily ever after
I sincerely hoped she could be moved a bit by my love
But it was not up to us to decide
What did I do? Why did I do what I did?
Is loving someone really wrong?
I understand loving someone is difficult
Yet, I only wished to be loved a tiny bit
What did I do? Why I am I crying?
Why am I willing to sacrifice everything for loving her?
Now, what have inflicted on me are no longer painful, but jubilant
I sincerely hoped she could reciprocate a little
I sincerely hoped she would live happily ever after
I sincerely hoped she could be moved a bit
But it was not up to us to decide
What did I do? Why did I do what I did?
Is loving someone really wrong?
I understand loving someone is difficult
Yet, I only wished to be loved a tiny bit
What did I do? Why I am I crying?
Why am I willing to sacrifice everything for loving her?
Now, what have inflicted on me are no longer painful,
but joyful
The more I do not want to love her
The more I think about her
When can my feelings be repaid?
When can my feelings be repaid?
What did I do? Why did I do what I did?
Am I guilty for loving her until death do us apart?
Be merciful, be kind, but please don't pity on me
Let it go, forget what has happened
The more I sink, the harder it is to pull out
It is better to lick my own wounds,
then to be loved
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Where am I? 我人在那?
Where am I?
by speed_demon
Where am I on the vast ocean of emptiness?
Where am I amongst the field of lost hope and dream?
Where am I within the valley of shadow and doubt?
Who can resurrect me from hopelessness?
Who can fulfill me from hollowness?
Who can pull me away from temptation?
Who can rescue me from destruction?
Graceful God, may you pity this lost sheep,
May you spare his life, his future, and his broken love,
求你赦免他的命, 前途及他破碎流血的愛,
May the Almighty forgives the sinner, the foolish intruder, the heartbroken Romeo,
萬能的上帝饒了他吧, 饒了這個出口殤人的傻子, 饒了這個心以破碎的羅密歐,
May you show him a brighter day, and guide him through life,
請給他開眼望明天, 帶他走光明正大的路,
May you open him the door for a brighter future,
And, may you erase the uneventful memory of this year,
Graceful God, give him strength, courage, and hope,
神啊求你給他力量, 勇氣和希望,
For a better future yet to come.
by speed_demon
Where am I on the vast ocean of emptiness?
Where am I amongst the field of lost hope and dream?
Where am I within the valley of shadow and doubt?
Who can resurrect me from hopelessness?
Who can fulfill me from hollowness?
Who can pull me away from temptation?
Who can rescue me from destruction?
Graceful God, may you pity this lost sheep,
May you spare his life, his future, and his broken love,
求你赦免他的命, 前途及他破碎流血的愛,
May the Almighty forgives the sinner, the foolish intruder, the heartbroken Romeo,
萬能的上帝饒了他吧, 饒了這個出口殤人的傻子, 饒了這個心以破碎的羅密歐,
May you show him a brighter day, and guide him through life,
請給他開眼望明天, 帶他走光明正大的路,
May you open him the door for a brighter future,
And, may you erase the uneventful memory of this year,
Graceful God, give him strength, courage, and hope,
神啊求你給他力量, 勇氣和希望,
For a better future yet to come.
My English to Chinese translation is not that good, so please bare with me. Actually, my English is mediocre so I guess they balance out, at least I hope they do.
我翻中文很差連英語也馬馬乎乎, 非常抱歉.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
《难道爱一个人有错吗》 - 郑源
I would like to dedicate this Chinese song to the beautiful Wind Flower. May we meet again in the next life if not this one, and may we shed the difference between us, be it political, chronological, or age. The lyric is written in Simplified Chinese, so please use a translating agent, e.g. Google Translate, to translate the verses, if necessary. Hopefully, I will do my own translation soon. The title says, "Is it really wrong to love someone?"
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Commemorating June 4, 1989
It's been two days since June 4, but I think the fight for human rights and equality amongst all living beings shall last for eternity, all until everybody on this planet Earth could enjoy equal rights, equal freedom, and the unequivocal protections which the First World citizen would otherwise be endowed with. Until then, June 4, 1989 shall be engraved in all of our minds as a symbol of the struggle against an oppressive regime, as a symbol of the fight for freedom and human rights. Let's not forget the brothers and sisters who perished during the fight for freedom. Let's not forget who they're and who we are. Let's not forget the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989!
Let's not forget the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989!
Let's not forget the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Why all the hate?
World peace, what a laughable matter! When will we be able to achieve something this tantamount? Well, we will be able to achieve world peace when one nation does not invade another nation based on a pretext. We will be able to achieve world peace when the phrase, "an eye for an eye," no longer emerges to our minds when somebody committed a hurtful act upon us. We will be able to achieve world peace when, instead of retaliation, we can control ourselves to forgive and forget whatever misdeed others have done to us. There is a hope for world peace when we can shed vengeance, hate, greed, selfishness, and embrace forgiveness, sharing, and a philanthropic approach toward resolving conflicts. There is a hope for world peace when a sale on any store would not attract a flock of mindless consumers. This is especially true for Wal-Mart, where "everyday has the lowest price, guaranteed!" Better yet, there will be world peace when conglomerates and corporations no longer mold, shape and define our lives and souls.
I do not know whether world peace is ever achievable, since in doing so we have to make some drastic changes to the fundamental human behavior and interaction. Maybe it is meant to be unreachable. Maybe it is meant to be like this where lives perish everyday due to ongoing world conflicts, and national and local misfortunes. Maybe it is God's will for humans to be hateful of each other, to be intolerant of the misdeeds of others. Maybe it is God's will for the victim to enjoy the punishment imposed on the perpetrator by the governing authority. Until we realize how perverted we are to retaliate and cause other people to suffer under our own unforgiving heart, the world will be under the shroud of this looming hate. Why all the hate? Why do we see satisfaction in retaliation? Why couldn't we be brothers and sisters until the Kingdom come? To appease ourselves is no longer enough. What has to be done needs to be done in an outreach fashion, and that would not start until you say, "brother, you made my day," to a perfect stranger!
Peace, everyone!
I do not know whether world peace is ever achievable, since in doing so we have to make some drastic changes to the fundamental human behavior and interaction. Maybe it is meant to be unreachable. Maybe it is meant to be like this where lives perish everyday due to ongoing world conflicts, and national and local misfortunes. Maybe it is God's will for humans to be hateful of each other, to be intolerant of the misdeeds of others. Maybe it is God's will for the victim to enjoy the punishment imposed on the perpetrator by the governing authority. Until we realize how perverted we are to retaliate and cause other people to suffer under our own unforgiving heart, the world will be under the shroud of this looming hate. Why all the hate? Why do we see satisfaction in retaliation? Why couldn't we be brothers and sisters until the Kingdom come? To appease ourselves is no longer enough. What has to be done needs to be done in an outreach fashion, and that would not start until you say, "brother, you made my day," to a perfect stranger!
Peace, everyone!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Goodbye, the beatiful, shiny, deadly stars
I would have never imagined this fateful relationship would go this far, be this deadly, this costly, and this detrimental to me, myself, and my dearest friends and family. I would have never imagine it would come to this, that is the physical and geographical separation from you, albeit still mentally attached. How did it come to this? How could it come to this? I don't know, and I will probably never know, since what have happened were all done unconsciously and unintentionally. I would have never imagined it would be this strong, this compulsive, even after when you said NO. I guess this is what it would normally occur when someone started this late in life, without experience and with a world passing him by in a blink of an eye.
You are truly the beautiful, shiny, and deadly stars. You are truly the Yun Xing (雲星 in Chinese calligraphy.) One which is out of the grasp of many dreamers, admirers, and potential lovers. One which strives toward her destiny without any obstruction, by any means, irrespective of from any entity. The battle has long been lost, and, for me, it is just on the tip of an ice berg before everything falls apart. No one will hear my pain, my suffering, and my turmoil. The devastation which I had to go through, and the forever abyss which I'm falling toward. I told you I'll deteriorate and disintegrate for just you. I think I've achieved that. My dream, and that of countless others, has shattered; those pieces of which are unrecoverable and undeniably broken. What is life without hope and dream? What is life without friends and family?
We are all human beings. The needs of whom are unsatisfiable, are lust, are desire, are fortune, are unattainable goals. Hear me, God! Give me strength, and strip me away of the negativity in both I and the deadly stars. May there be unison and cohesiveness between us in the next life, if not for the impending future!
You are truly the beautiful, shiny, and deadly stars. You are truly the Yun Xing (雲星 in Chinese calligraphy.) One which is out of the grasp of many dreamers, admirers, and potential lovers. One which strives toward her destiny without any obstruction, by any means, irrespective of from any entity. The battle has long been lost, and, for me, it is just on the tip of an ice berg before everything falls apart. No one will hear my pain, my suffering, and my turmoil. The devastation which I had to go through, and the forever abyss which I'm falling toward. I told you I'll deteriorate and disintegrate for just you. I think I've achieved that. My dream, and that of countless others, has shattered; those pieces of which are unrecoverable and undeniably broken. What is life without hope and dream? What is life without friends and family?
We are all human beings. The needs of whom are unsatisfiable, are lust, are desire, are fortune, are unattainable goals. Hear me, God! Give me strength, and strip me away of the negativity in both I and the deadly stars. May there be unison and cohesiveness between us in the next life, if not for the impending future!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Start April First with Google TiSP (BETA)
Be sure to check it out and sign up!
Sick of paying for broadband that you have to, well, pay for?Happy April First, everyone!
Introducing Google TiSP (BETA), our new FREE in-home wireless broadband service. Sign up today and we'll send you your TiSP self-installation kit, which includes setup guide, fiber-optic cable, spindle, wireless router and installation CD.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
The downfall of a fateful relationship
Every relationship has its limit, and a set of boundaries. Irrespective of how a relationship proceeds, these limits and boundaries must never be exceeded. Once the boundaries have been broken it would be extremely difficult, to nearly impossible, to recover and revive such relationship. This is true for all relationships, be it between classmates, colleagues, friends, relatives, lovers, couples, and even amongst oneself. The boundaries therein must be clearly marked, identified, and every word one says, every action one takes must be carefully planned and executed as to never, ever cross these set of boundaries. Once it is crossed, there will be no return, and no amount of work you ever did or will do would ever be able to revive this relationship. In a few special cases, the more effort you put in and the more you do in hoping to revive the relationship, the more detriment and more stifle the relationship becomes. Eventually, even your finest intent and gesture would be perceived as threats, and can further act as a catalyst to severely widen the existing gap.
Take my word for it. It is an experience which you wish it would never happen to anybody, anywhere, and anytime. For there will be no miracle pill to suppress the emotional trauma, no miracle bandage to heal the open wound, and no miracle to turn back time to where it used to be before the whole thing got blown apart. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of both parties, or multitude of parties, to guarantee and enact in a truthful manner to preserve the relationship, thus to ensure it would never come close to as falling apart. Being responsible, be respectful, and tolerant between all parties are the ultimate steps toward a successful and fruitful relationship.
Once again, I have said this so many times but I still need to say this:
Take my word for it. It is an experience which you wish it would never happen to anybody, anywhere, and anytime. For there will be no miracle pill to suppress the emotional trauma, no miracle bandage to heal the open wound, and no miracle to turn back time to where it used to be before the whole thing got blown apart. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of both parties, or multitude of parties, to guarantee and enact in a truthful manner to preserve the relationship, thus to ensure it would never come close to as falling apart. Being responsible, be respectful, and tolerant between all parties are the ultimate steps toward a successful and fruitful relationship.
Once again, I have said this so many times but I still need to say this:
Oh the lovely, beautiful, shiny, heavenly stars, I really wish this whole dreadful event would not have happened. I really wish we have never met, so I would not experience what is called love. I really wish you're just another girl whom I would show no affection to, whom I would not be fully-devoted to so blindly to just win your heart. I really wish I would not have invested so much with so many gone in vain. I still wish I were the same age as you. I still wish I would be born at your birthplace. I still wish we would not be working in the same area, so we could one day meet again, at a different occasion, a different environment, and a different lifetime.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Curse of the Black Gold in the Niger Delta
Enough about ripping off Iraq by the multinational oil conglomerates. What about other members of the OPEC? One particularly interesting example is documented extensively on this issue of the National Geographic Magazine, Curse of the Black Gold: Hope and Betrayal in the Niger Delta. Here are the first few paragraphs from this article:
It is always easy to blame someone or something else for our own insatiable needs, our own self-destruction, when it is in fact our own very deeds which caused all these. The future of mankind is in our grasp and control. How we want it to progress is entirely up to us. Ultimately, we will be the only victim of the mismanagement of the planetary resources!
Note: I enjoy the NGM, but the thing I really dislike is the overwhelming placement of ads. Furthermore, if you look at these ads closely, most of them are sponsored by the multinationals from automobile to the oil industries, such as BP, Ford, and Toyota. Obviously the agenda behind the magazine is to alter public's perception toward these environmentally-harmful industries. This really, really gives NGM a bad name. On one hand it's preserving the beauty of nature, on the other hand it's permitting these industries to prosper. This is not right!
Oil fouls everything in southern Nigeria. It spills from the pipelines, poisoning soil and water. It stains the hands of politicians and generals, who siphon off its profits. It taints the ambitions of the young, who will try anything to scoop up a share of the liquid riches—fire a gun, sabotage a pipeline, kidnap a foreigner.This is clearly an extreme example of the oil mismanagement, and the exploitation by oil conglomerates, coupled together with the explosive worldwide demand of this vital resource, from China, India to the US, UK, and the EU. Come to think of it, this is actually quite similar to the illegal trade of another non-vital resource, the conflict diamonds, in which wars were also fought for in both Angola and Sierra Leone. The prolong, severe, and unrecoverable consequence of blood diamond will never be fully understood, and would for sure leave an everlasting legacy of death, suffering, and destruction amongst the inhabitants. Blood oil, on the other hand, is rarely reported on the mainstream media because it is the foundation of a successful and prosperous society, despite the fact that only 10% of the entire population would benefit. There are also very few mainstream films and documentaries on topics such as blood oil, and our dependence on oil.
Nigeria had all the makings of an uplifting tale: poor African nation blessed with enormous sudden wealth. Visions of prosperity rose with the same force as the oil that first gushed from the Niger Delta's marshy ground in 1956. The world market craved delta crude, a "sweet," low-sulfur liquid called Bonny Light, easily refined into gasoline and diesel. By the mid-1970s, Nigeria had joined OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), and the government's budget bulged with petrodollars.
Everything looked possible—but everything went wrong.
Dense, garbage-heaped slums stretch for miles. Choking black smoke from an open-air slaughterhouse rolls over housetops. Streets are cratered with potholes and ruts. Vicious gangs roam school grounds. Peddlers and beggars rush up to vehicles stalled in gas lines. This is Port Harcourt, Nigeria's oil hub, capital of Rivers state, smack-dab in the middle of oil reserves bigger than the United States' and Mexico's combined. Port Harcourt should gleam; instead, it rots.
Beyond the city, within the labyrinth of creeks, rivers, and pipeline channels that vein the delta—one of the world's largest wetlands—exists a netherworld. Villages and towns cling to the banks, little more than heaps of mud-walled huts and rusty shacks. Groups of hungry, half-naked children and sullen, idle adults wander dirt paths. There is no electricity, no clean water, no medicine, no schools. Fishing nets hang dry; dugout canoes sit unused on muddy banks. Decades of oil spills, acid rain from gas flares, and the stripping away of mangroves for pipelines have killed off fish.
Nigeria has been subverted by the very thing that gave it promise—oil, which accounts for 95 percent of the country's export earnings and 80 percent of its revenue. In 1960, agricultural products such as palm oil and cacao beans made up nearly all Nigeria's exports; today, they barely register as trade items, and Africa's most populous country, with 130 million people, has gone from being self-sufficient in food to importing more than it produces. Because its refineries are constantly breaking down, oil-rich Nigeria must also import the bulk of its fuel. But even then, gas stations are often closed for want of supply. A recent United Nations report shows that in quality of life, Nigeria rates below all other major oil nations, from Libya to Indonesia. Its annual per capita income of $1,400 is less than that of Senegal, which exports mainly fish and nuts. The World Bank categorizes Nigeria as a "fragile state," beset by risk of armed conflict, epidemic disease, and failed governance.
It is always easy to blame someone or something else for our own insatiable needs, our own self-destruction, when it is in fact our own very deeds which caused all these. The future of mankind is in our grasp and control. How we want it to progress is entirely up to us. Ultimately, we will be the only victim of the mismanagement of the planetary resources!
Note: I enjoy the NGM, but the thing I really dislike is the overwhelming placement of ads. Furthermore, if you look at these ads closely, most of them are sponsored by the multinationals from automobile to the oil industries, such as BP, Ford, and Toyota. Obviously the agenda behind the magazine is to alter public's perception toward these environmentally-harmful industries. This really, really gives NGM a bad name. On one hand it's preserving the beauty of nature, on the other hand it's permitting these industries to prosper. This is not right!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Crude Designs: The Rip-Off of Iraq’s Oil Wealth
Continuing from my previous article, "Blood and oil: The hidden cost of an occupied Iraq." Here is another comprehensive look at how Iraq's ONLY vital resource - the petroleum - is being exploited by the US and UK multinational oil conglomerates. From Global Policy Forum, I give you "Crude Designs: The Rip-Off of Iraq's Oil Wealth."

How can we achieve world peace, humanitarian aid, and environmental protection when there are giant corporations constantly looking for new ways to exploit the impoverished and war-torn populations? It is those culprits, together with their inseparable alliance with the corrupted First World governments, that are the ultimate villains and oppressors, overshadowing and manipulating the global politics to their own likings.
This is especially true as the current event unfolds in the Middle East. We must be more vigilant as the signs of exploitation will be increasingly more obscured from public eyes as they will be shrouded behind the pretext of establishing democracy in oil-abundant countries, such as Iraq and Iran. We, being the educated, conscious, and dignified part of the population, can no longer live in luxury when people are suffering next door or overseas, due to our cause. We must stand up and be united to liberate and give a helping hand by our own democratic rights. We must force the government to re-examine their inhumane foreign policies, and their approach to "secure" our "national interests."
To live in oblivion is to deny our conscience self, support oppression and throw away the fundamental principles which we hold so dear. Egalitarianism is the ultimate form of human understanding, respect and achievement. We should all strive for that!
"War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength." This is the doctrinal instinct we're being brainwashed with today in this "free world." How you get around that is up to you. Wake up and breath the fresh the air! For it is those of whom indulge in none-sense and wasteful spending the ultimate "model citizenry" of an Orwellian society!
Note: I will try to summarize "Crude Designs: The Rip-Off of Iraq's Oil Wealth" soon, but the basic premises are outlined in my previous article and from the Independent.

How can we achieve world peace, humanitarian aid, and environmental protection when there are giant corporations constantly looking for new ways to exploit the impoverished and war-torn populations? It is those culprits, together with their inseparable alliance with the corrupted First World governments, that are the ultimate villains and oppressors, overshadowing and manipulating the global politics to their own likings.
This is especially true as the current event unfolds in the Middle East. We must be more vigilant as the signs of exploitation will be increasingly more obscured from public eyes as they will be shrouded behind the pretext of establishing democracy in oil-abundant countries, such as Iraq and Iran. We, being the educated, conscious, and dignified part of the population, can no longer live in luxury when people are suffering next door or overseas, due to our cause. We must stand up and be united to liberate and give a helping hand by our own democratic rights. We must force the government to re-examine their inhumane foreign policies, and their approach to "secure" our "national interests."
To live in oblivion is to deny our conscience self, support oppression and throw away the fundamental principles which we hold so dear. Egalitarianism is the ultimate form of human understanding, respect and achievement. We should all strive for that!
"War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength." This is the doctrinal instinct we're being brainwashed with today in this "free world." How you get around that is up to you. Wake up and breath the fresh the air! For it is those of whom indulge in none-sense and wasteful spending the ultimate "model citizenry" of an Orwellian society!
Note: I will try to summarize "Crude Designs: The Rip-Off of Iraq's Oil Wealth" soon, but the basic premises are outlined in my previous article and from the Independent.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Blood and oil: The hidden cost of an occupied Iraq
As the American casualties surpasses the 3,000 mark, many of us wonder, "what do the US and its allies have to gain from this bloodbath?" Is the occupation of Iraq really worth the lives of countless Americans, many of whom will not even get a chance to say goodbye to their loved ones? With the announcement of a troop increase by the Bush Administration imminent, one could only wonder what that hell are we doing there in Iraq when the "major combat operations" were accomplished since May 2003?
Since post-9/11, the Bush Administration has said many times that the purpose of ousting Saddam is for the liberation of Iraqis, many of whom were severely oppressed under his terrible regime. The administration hardly ever mentions its true intent, including but not excluded to, the control of Iraq's oil reserves (which ranks 3rd internationally amongst all of the "conventional oil" producing countries), exploitation of Iraqis, "Westernization" of Iraq, and, ultimately, the reconstruction of a US-friendly Iraq, including the establishment of a pro-Western government and infrastructure through numerous US-assisted projects, training of its military, and the invasion by US commerce, industry and ideology. Some of these "hidden" intentions were only recently uncovered by the international press. While most issues are upfront and obvious, those who continuously criticize the US foreign policy are quickly stifled, and never to be mentioned in the "mainstream" US media. This is particularly true on the control of the most vital resource known to Man - the petroleum.
The 3-year long US involvement in the Iraq war is soon to be paid off. Fortunately, for the 1% of the Americans and their allies, this payment will be in the form of a perpetual contract to extract this vital, non-renewable resource. The Independent reported recently:
With the Persian Gulf becoming increasingly more volatile, it is in the best interest of both the US and its client states to secure significant petroleum reserves at all costs. Especially, with the stagnate US economy, ongoing dollar depreciation, the rise of crude, and many more ferocious competition from economic-giant like China and India, the influx of cheap oil would be the only temporary solution to reverse this downward spiral. Furthermore, when you have a government which spent close to $500 billion dollar on military budget last year, this seems to be the only viable solution!
With the fast-vanishing crude, the future of the Middle East is no longer controlled by its inhabitants, rather it is controlled by pirates and dictators with the cohesive intention to fine-tune the politics of the Middle East.
Since post-9/11, the Bush Administration has said many times that the purpose of ousting Saddam is for the liberation of Iraqis, many of whom were severely oppressed under his terrible regime. The administration hardly ever mentions its true intent, including but not excluded to, the control of Iraq's oil reserves (which ranks 3rd internationally amongst all of the "conventional oil" producing countries), exploitation of Iraqis, "Westernization" of Iraq, and, ultimately, the reconstruction of a US-friendly Iraq, including the establishment of a pro-Western government and infrastructure through numerous US-assisted projects, training of its military, and the invasion by US commerce, industry and ideology. Some of these "hidden" intentions were only recently uncovered by the international press. While most issues are upfront and obvious, those who continuously criticize the US foreign policy are quickly stifled, and never to be mentioned in the "mainstream" US media. This is particularly true on the control of the most vital resource known to Man - the petroleum.
The 3-year long US involvement in the Iraq war is soon to be paid off. Fortunately, for the 1% of the Americans and their allies, this payment will be in the form of a perpetual contract to extract this vital, non-renewable resource. The Independent reported recently:
And Iraq's oil reserves, the third largest in the world, with an estimated 115 billion barrels waiting to be extracted, are a prize worth having. As Vice-President Dick Cheney noted in 1999, when he was still running Halliburton, an oil services company, the Middle East is the key to preventing the [US and its allies around the] world [from] running out of oil.Furthermore:
Now, unnoticed by most amid the furore over civil war in Iraq and the hanging of Saddam Hussein, the new oil law has quietly been going through several drafts, and is now on the point of being presented to the cabinet and then the parliament in Baghdad. Its provisions are a radical departure from the norm for developing countries: under a system known as "production-sharing agreements", or PSAs, oil majors such as BP and Shell in Britain, and Exxon and Chevron in the US, would be able to sign deals of up to 30 years to extract Iraq's oil.
PSAs allow a country to retain legal ownership of its oil, but gives a share of profits to the international companies that invest in infrastructure and operation of the wells, pipelines and refineries. Their introduction would be a first for a major Middle Eastern oil producer. Saudi Arabia and Iran, the world's number one and two oil exporters, both tightly control their industries through state-owned companies with no appreciable foreign collaboration, as do most members of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Opec.
Critics fear that given Iraq's weak bargaining position, it could get locked in now to deals on bad terms for decades to come. "Iraq would end up with the worst possible outcome," said Greg Muttitt of Platform, a human rights and environmental group that monitors the oil industry. He said the new legislation was drafted with the assistance of BearingPoint, an American consultancy firm hired by the US government, which had a representative working in the American embassy in Baghdad for several months.
"Three outside groups have had far more opportunity to scrutinise this legislation than most Iraqis," said Mr Muttitt. "The draft went to the US government and major oil companies in July, and to the International Monetary Fund in September. Last month I met a group of 20 Iraqi MPs in Jordan, and I asked them how many had seen the legislation. Only one had."
Before the war, Mr Bush endorsed claims that Iraq's oil would pay for reconstruction. But the shortage of revenues afterwards has silenced him on this point. More recently he has argued that oil should be used as a means to unify the country, "so the people have faith in central government", as he put it last summer.And, more:
But in a country more dependent than almost any other on oil - it accounts for 70 per cent of the economy - control of the assets has proved a recipe for endless wrangling. Most of the oil reserves are in areas controlled by the Kurds and Shias, heightening the fears of the Sunnis that their loss of power with the fall of Saddam is about to be compounded by economic deprivation.
The Kurds in particular have been eager to press ahead, and even signed some small PSA deals on their own last year, setting off a struggle with Baghdad. These issues now appear to have been resolved, however: a revenue-sharing agreement based on population was reached some months ago, and sources have told the IoS that regional oil companies will be set up to handle the PSA deals envisaged by the new law.
The Independent on Sunday has obtained a copy of an early draft which was circulated to oil companies in July. It is understood there have been no significant changes made in the final draft. The terms outlined to govern future PSAs are generous: according to the draft, they could be fixed for at least 30 years. The revelation will raise Iraqi fears that oil companies will be able to exploit its weak state by securing favourable terms that cannot be changed in future.
It is also understood that once companies have recouped their costs from developing the oil field, they are allowed to keep 20 per cent of the profits, with the rest going to the government. According to analysts and oil company executives, this is because Iraq is so dangerous, but Dr Muhammad-Ali Zainy, a senior economist at the Centre for Global Energy Studies, said: "Twenty per cent of the profits in a production sharing agreement, once all the costs have been recouped, is a large amount." In more stable countries, 10 per cent would be the norm.And, additionally:
While the costs are being recovered, companies will be able to recoup 60 to 70 per cent of revenue; 40 per cent is more usual. David Horgan, managing director of Petrel Resources, an Aim-listed oil company focused on Iraq, said: "They are reasonable rates of return, and take account of the bad security situation in Iraq. The government needs people, technology and capital to develop its oil reserves. It has got to come up with terms which are good enough to attract companies. The major companies tend to be conservative."
Dr Zainy, an Iraqi who has recently visited the country, said: "It's very dangerous ... although the security situation is far better in the north." Even taking that into account, however, he believed that "for a company to take 20 per cent of the profits in a production sharing agreement once all the costs have been recouped is large".
Production sharing agreements of more than 30 years are unusual, and more commonly used for challenging regions like the Amazon where it can take up to a decade to start production. Iraq, in contrast, is one of the cheapest and easiest places in the world to drill for and produce oil. Many fields have already been discovered, and are waiting to be developed.
"PSAs have a cost in sovereignty and future revenues. It is not true at all that this is the only way to do it." Technical services agreements, of the type common in countries which have a state-run oil corporation, would be all that was necessary.So, is the US invasion really for the benefit of ordinary Iraqi citizens? Or, is it to quench the forever thirsty multinationals of the petroleum business? Is the US invasion really a ploy to oust Saddam? Or, is it to guarantee the "national security" of a global hegemony?
James Paul of Global Policy Forum, another advocacy group, said: "The US and the UK have been pressing hard on this. It's pretty clear that this is one of their main goals in Iraq." The Iraqi authorities, he said, were "a government under occupation, and it is highly influenced by that. The US has a lot of leverage... Iraq is in no condition right now to go ahead and do this."
Mr Paul added: "It is relatively easy to get the oil in Iraq. It is nowhere near as complicated as the North Sea. There are super giant fields that are completely mapped, [and] there is absolutely no exploration cost and no risk. So the argument that these agreements are needed to hedge risk is specious."
Mr Muttitt echoed warnings that unfavourable deals done now could unravel a few years down the line, just when Iraq might become peaceful enough for development of its oil resources to become attractive. The seeds could be sown for a future struggle over natural resources which has led to decades of suspicion of Western motives in countries such as Iran.
Iraqi trade union leaders who met recently in Jordan suggested that the legislation would cause uproar once its terms became known among ordinary Iraqis.
"The Iraqi people refuse to allow the future of their oil to be decided behind closed doors," their statement said. "The occupier seeks and wishes to secure... energy resources at a time when the Iraqi people are seeking to determine their own future, while still under conditions of occupation."
The resentment implied in their words is ominous, and not only for oil company executives in London or Houston. The perception that Iraq's wealth is being carved up among foreigners can only add further fuel to the flames of the insurgency, defeating the purpose of sending more American troops to a country already described in a US intelligence report as a cause célèbre for terrorism.
With the Persian Gulf becoming increasingly more volatile, it is in the best interest of both the US and its client states to secure significant petroleum reserves at all costs. Especially, with the stagnate US economy, ongoing dollar depreciation, the rise of crude, and many more ferocious competition from economic-giant like China and India, the influx of cheap oil would be the only temporary solution to reverse this downward spiral. Furthermore, when you have a government which spent close to $500 billion dollar on military budget last year, this seems to be the only viable solution!
With the fast-vanishing crude, the future of the Middle East is no longer controlled by its inhabitants, rather it is controlled by pirates and dictators with the cohesive intention to fine-tune the politics of the Middle East.
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